Sunday, May 16, 2010

Il professore, Carla, Tamar, Chris, Nader and Matt

For years I have been paying matriculation charges at the GC hoping for each semester to be THE one when I finished my Thesis Proposal. I've foolishly given CUNY thousands of dollars. And the proposal was nowhere to be seen at the end. A painful separation and sweet reconciliation from my beloved, new jobs, the death of my mother. Life always got in the way, and academia seemed farther each passing day.

This semester I thought: if I am paying, let the GC give me something back for real. And so, I ended up registering at the Writing Politics seminar.

It has been the best decision I've made in the last few years. And I have to thank all of you, il professore, Carla, Tamar, Nader, Chris and Matt.

You all took me out of my stupor and pessimism. You have energized me. You have given me back my academic and scholarly confidence. You have reacquainted me with the thing I love the most: the healthy and public exchange of ideas.

Our classroom is the healthiest of learning temples: a bar with good friends, without the endless flow of Bourbon. It has been, by FAR, the best experience I have had at the GC.

I love how we have all grown in concrete ways right in front of each other. No fear, just growth.

I have lost some of that paralyzing self-consciousness about my English. I have become a better writer. And for that I have to thank you all. And my dear wife, Libertad.

So, professore, thanks for watering us, for letting us be, for being so fast of your feet, for being so fucking smart, for allowing us to be clowns, encouraging towards each other, cruel, and funny.

And to the rest of the gang: I expect you all at my parties in the Vegan South Bronx!


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